I participated in the education summit today. My talk slides for "Doing Math with Python" is available here.
Here are some notes on the other talks I attended.
- Education WG
- PythonZero
- GPIO Zero
- Network zero: https://github.com/tjguk/networkzero/
- Zero: based on an established package, emphasis is on up-and-running use in a classroom, Relevant error messages
- Mu, demos
Lessons learned from teaching Python
- Put your work out there on the internet
- Think about internationalization
- Self publish Amazon's create space, Kindle
- Quizzes, collect data, data mining
- Instructor section
- Online markup of code
- EpicPen
- YouTube channel
- Libraries: Pygame, Arcade
- Demos
- pzrun
Minecraft with Python
- Use Python to interact with Minecraft
- CoderDojo Minecraft bundle
- Using Jupyter Notebooks
PyCharm Edu
- Courses
- Checkout PyCharm EDU for creating courses
Teaching data structures with Python
- Python makes the teacher happy
- Lab only
- Algorithms in Python + C (Side by side)
- Two languages worked well for them.
- Low level language: easy to find the complexity of the algorithm
- High level language: hard to find the complexity of the algorithm
Merlin for Data Science Education
- Where to even start?
- Effort justification
- Spending 2hr out of a 8hr session in fixing something is not worth it
- Shouldn't be proud of battling with tool set rather than not doing the real work
- Merlin - http://www.darklabsdatascience.com/project_merlin/